6th District Elementary School in Covington


Alan Sutherland

Alex Kuhl

Alexander Polus

Ana’Neicia Williams

Angela M. Call, P.S.C.


Ann Stuckenborg in Honor of Chief Michael R. Koenig


Amazon Smile

Applied Digital Solutions

Ashley Peterson

Ashli Watts

Bank of Jamestown

Bart Baldwin

Beacon Property


Benjamin Darby in Memory of Otto Kaak and Billie S. Abbles

Bikers Against Child Abuse

Bill and Dawn Smithwick

Bill Londrigan

Blue & Co., LLC

Bluegrass Junior Womens Club

Briana Sweatt

Bryan McFarland

Bruce and Lisa Olson

Bruce Sizemore

Cabinet for Health & Human Services- Department for Community Based Services

Caden Columbia

Chasity Tuggle

Children’s Alliance

Child Victim’s Trust Fund

Corey Ann Howard Jackson in Memory of Barbara Ann Allen Howard

Cralle Foundation

David and Kimberly Owen

Dennis and Karen Genson

Donald Fechner in honor of Stuart Thaman

Donors Contributing through Amazon

Donors Contributing through Benevity

Donors Contributing through IBM

Donors Contributing through Kroger

Dr. Benton Dammel

Dr. Erin Frazier

Dr. Robert Prichard

Electric Workers Local #369 I.B.E.W.

Elite Graphics

Emily Bandy

Fooji, Inc.

Forensic Fluids Laboratories, Inc.

Forest Edge Winery


Greater Louisville Building and Construction Trades Council, AFL-CIO

Greer Development

Harry Rothgerber in Honor of Jill Seyfred

Heather Lea- Glick Gives Fund

Heine Brother’s Coffee


IBM Employee Services Center

Insulators Local 51

International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmith, Forgers & Helpers Local #40

International Union of Operating Engineers

Jefferson Co. Sheriff Office

Jefferson County Teachers Association

Jeffrey Wiggins

Jennings Law Offices

Jeremy Murrell

Jessica Beal

Jessica Blevins

Jill Seyfred

Joel and Janet Griffith in Memory of Grant Griffith

John and Cathy Chowning

John Byron in memory of Lou Byron

Jonnisa Ferguson

Jordan Huizenga

Jordan Parker

Judge Pamela Goodwine

Kappa Delta-Alpha Xi

Kappa Delta- Beta Lambda

Kappa Delta-Delta Iota

Kappa Delta-Delta Omicron

Kappa Delta- Gamma Xi

Karlee Gong

Kathryn Vieth

Kelly Dauk

Kelly Davenport

Kendra Calhoun in Memory of Harold Calhoun

Kentucky Employees Charitable Campaign

Kentucky Horse Park

Kentucky State AFL-CIO

Kentucky Safety Prevention and Alignment Network (KSPAN)

Kentucky Youth Advocates, Inc.

Kevin Payton

Kroger Community Rewards Program

KY Employees Charitable Campaign

Kyle Thaman

KVC Behavioral Healthcare Kentucky, Inc.

Labor First LLC.

Laborers’ International Union of North America Local 576

Laborers’ International Union of North America Local 795

Laken Albrink

Lanie Phillips

Laura Tipton in Honor of Parents

Laurie Conkright

LBX Company LLC

Lea H. Fischback

LeAnn Magree

Leslie Beresford

LG&E, KU Foundation

Lillie Ruschell

Linda Cauble

Lizabeth Beresford

Louisville Slugger Museum

Louisville Tourism

Mark Reynosa

Martin Jordan

Martha Comfort

Matthew Mason

Michael and Phillis Adams

Michael Baer

Mike Robinson

Millwrights Local 1076

National Corvette Museum

National Underground Railroad Freedom Center

Network for Good

New Vista on behalf of Liz Moreland In Memory of Julia “Karol” Wilkins

Ohio Valley Health Care

Old North LLC

Oriental Trading Company

Perfect North Slopes

Phyllis A. Lewis Charitable Giving Fund at Schwab Charitable

Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 502

Poppy & Pomelo

Ridge Behavioral Health

Ruth Huebner

Saltwater Woody

Scott M. Miller Attorney At Law

St. Elizabeth Healthcare

Steve Barger Consulting LLC

Stuart Thaman

Sunrise Children’s Services

SVN Stone Commercial Real Estate

Talon Winery

Teamsters Local Union No. 89

Teamsters Local Union No. 783

Teble Peterson

Terri Waller in Honor of Chief Michael R. Koenig

The Brook Hospital

The Cabinet for Health & Family Services

The Home of Opportunities and Dreams

The Honorable Order of the Kentucky Colonels

The Limestone Group (Jason Baird)

Thomas and Vicki Tobin

Traditional Bank


UK Healthcare

Ullico Management Company

United Automobile Workers- U.A.W. Ford Local 862

United Food & Commercial Workers Local 227

United Steelworkers District 8

University of Louisville Hospital

Wicker Quinn Family Foundation

William and Dawn Smithwick

William Kennedy

Williamstown Woman’s Club

Woodford County Woman’s Club

Working Strategies 2, LLC.

Zack and Jennifer Morris