No HIT Zone

Prevent Child Abuse Kentucky is proud to be an official No HIT Zone. No HIT Zones are a proactive way to promote, calm, safe and caring environments where violent behavior is not tolerated. It not only provides public notice that hitting is not acceptable in the identified No HIT Zone property but provides training to staff and volunteers on addressing situations in which adults are using physical discipline with children or need to de-escalate a situation which may lead to violence. Special thanks to our presenter, Dr. Kelly Dauk, National No HIT Zone Committee member and PCAK Board Member.


The following presentation and self-reflection should take one hour. You may download handouts here.  If you wish to apply for Social Work CEU’s or want to obtain a completion certificate you must complete the online quiz and evaluation found here. Individuals able to pass the quiz with a score of 80% or higher will receive a completion certificate within five business days.  

After watching entire training, please complete the following quiz and evaluation

Your completion certificate will be emailed to the address provided on your survey. Please allow five business days.